Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Celine Small Bowler Bag Blog

One day at a time ... Back

Not much to tell ...

The newspaper takes its place, small problems do not hesitate to rebuild their appearance: swimming pool, car, etc..

That's life!

health side, the improvements are there, always discreet. For people who see me, nothing is very apparent. To me, for cons, they are more visible.

Yesterday, I walked into the turf trying to fix the problems of filter and I noticed it was easier.

The biggest difference is the fatigue ... This is not the same! The energy is slowly returning and when fatigue sets in, it is healthier! Let me explain ... before fatigue had something heavy, depressed. After exercise, everything seemed insurmountable. Fatigue was as much in my head than my body.

Now, after physical exertion, it is only my body is tired and after a rest, I'm better ... not necessarily ready to repeat the same effort but if I stay quiet, I'm fine.

What a difference!

There are days where improvements are present and oops! the next day they disappear. Then, quietly, they return.

At first it's a bit panicky but now I know it will come back.

So I continue to learn to take the time to live ... Learning is a lifetime.

you soon!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sailboat Ranger 20 For Sale


That's it, I'm back in Quebec.

The flight was really easy to return: fewer spasms, stiffness and less able to control my bladder longer (almost 6am! Wow !!!).

But it was very exhausting. So I spend the first week sleeping because that's what my body requires.

Why I need so much sleep? Here are all the assumptions which I think ...

- Months of preparation have caused exhaustion.

- Sozopol week before surgery, with airfares and bus ... very exhausting.

- Operation: even if it is a simple angioplasty, it is not so simple for the body. It must adapt to a new "Flow" of blood, the stent, medication and any changes that causes.

- The return airfare and jet lag: very tiring too.

- Personal problems of return that do not help recovery.

So even if I see miracles happen, I must be patient and let my body rest.

But there are still improvements, 11 days after the operation:

foot - normal color

- bladder more effectively

- fewer spasms and stiffness (no more spasm in the right hip, knee only some stiffness after several sleep in the same position)

-leg line that begins to fold in the supine position without assistance.

-neck pain that decreases (caused by the stent)

- rosacea which is almost all gone.

-Strangely ... horn to toe is disappearing!

I am told that the best is yet to come. I believe!

must be patient and let the body repair itself. He must remove all iron accumulated in the cells. And then, the damaged nerve endings, it does not regenerate overnight. It takes time. When they are regenerated, then the muscles will slowly strengthen.

My body has never liked the sharp changes, it will not change today. Let's go slowly!

you soon

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pants Covering Legs And Feet With Built In Socks

After hospitalization ...

I am now in Hotel Niky in Sofia, a small very popular hotel in central Sofia. The food is excellent, the rooms comfortable but the air conditioning ... Do they know the air conditioning?

As I returned from a response I have to rest but how when it's 32 -33 ° C and the air conditioning does not work?? It is suffocating.

So we decided to go for a walk in Sofia. Marie-Claude brings me around in a wheelchair. We visit a small market, the Cathedral Square Russian Alexander Velski and the streets of Sofia. It gives me the greatest good and I found gently appetite.

But it rocks so because the streets are paved in old and not very accessible. A fear haunts me ... these vibrations will they moved my stent?

For two days, we walk in Sofia to the heat that rises to 36 ° C. It's hot but I support that and I'm still energetic.

By eating ice cream in the shade of a tree Sunday, my eyes landed on my feet ... despite the heat and sun my feet are a normal skin color. From 6 to 8 months, my feet became "purple" as soon as I was not lying.

WOW! What difference to me!

Tomorrow it will return by plane because I dread the trip to Bulgaria was very difficult: a lot of stiffness, spasms, urination ... I could not find a comfortable position.

was hell!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monica Roccaforte More Information Here

Angioplasty ... not as simple as that! Sozopol

After meeting Dr. Grozdinski and his team (Wednesday, June 9) I am going at once the "famous" Doppler. Nothing to do with the Westmount Square. Here are the doctors themselves who do the test and discuss among themselves what they see. Then it shows me the screen where you can see very clearly the vein stenosis.

Now the vortex sucking me ... We filled the record with the nurse, one passes an electro-cardiogram and blood tests. All this in the late morning.

Then they settle down in a room in the department of cardiology. And the wait begins!

Around 7:30 you come get me, it's my turn!

We'll lie on a table and, woe! I have a huge spasm in my right hip down to my knee and back in my lower back. But as I'm stressed, it does not happen. So for a good half hour, I'm taken with this spasm.

At 8am accurate, Dr. Dimitrov (not Dr. Petrov, who is the head of the department of cardiology) gives me an injection in the groin to the freeze and made a small incision ... and it started! Catheterization walks through my veins.

The azygos vein is very beautiful, to my surprise. Going back to my left jugular stenosis is about 70%. It takes 3 balooning to open properly. In Bulgaria, we are given painkillers only on request and believe me they gave me! It was so painful. Yet I am not complainers and rather tolerant of pain but there ... OUCH!

Then turn to the right jugular. It is narrowed to two places of over 90%. In attempting a first balooning there are so resistant that I "shoot" of painkillers and I lose the "card". I do not know not how much time passes but I am told to watch on screen they have just the stent implanted.

I returned to my room, it is 10:30.

I'm a little confused and I sleep well because I always hurt my hip that has not stopped spasms during the procedure. And suddenly ... I am now taking nausea. And the more time passes, I feel sick. I start to vomit and it injects an anti-nausea and then I sleep a little.

Nausea leave me only on Friday morning. That's where I'll be able to eat a little bread.

It returns me a Doppler to check if everything is correct. I visit the cardiologist and Bye! Bye! I can go out, it's over for me.

far I see no change, no improvement. I'm pretty depressed, maybe even disappointed.

What I did there?? Why??

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Recipes Using Betty Crocker Pound Cake

Finally in Bulgaria!

Arrival in Sofia on June 2nd, we head towards the next day Sozopol coastal town. It a bit like the Old Orchard Bulgaria but growing. Nice little beach about 2 km, fine sand, and plenty of umbrellas!

Here, we speak Bulgarian, Russian and English is gibberish. For them, the Canadians on the edge of the Black Sea, it is incomprehensible! It's so beautiful Canada!

Since my arrival, I have a hard time as I usually eat. Here, we eat bread, potatoes, cheese and cold cuts. The food is very good but the devil my diet without gluten, animal fat, consisting of fruits and vegetables!

Result? Many stiffness, spasms, numbness in the legs, feet swollen and blue and of course a lot of trouble walking!

So I'm left with only 2 days before my coming to Toduka Hospital, let us be patient!

Tomorrow, we take the bus to Sofia. We shall then be in the heart of the trip in Bulgaria!

you soon!