Write the novel of Europe, a vast program.
Create a collective imagination, a Europe which is so lacking emotional this construction cold, always enacted the highest levels down, where we have just forgotten peoples. They remember so cruelly good memories of their leaders who betray so blithely neoliberal social democracy the founding fathers.
course, this novel is urgently needed. But does it take to build as much a myth,

There is already a novel of Europe. It is even nicknamed the Roman Rose. It shows a continuous progression of Europeanism, smooth, regular, a gallery of spirited ancestors Greeks and Romans, Charlemagne, Otto, Christianity and Gothic cathedrals, the Enlightenment, the Congress of Vienna, 1958 ... This is a breaking novel, it was no more roots imposed but right inventory. The war is banished, globalization adds there his relativism. Only now, it does not work.
The speech is not inspiring, it annoys. No strong images, sounds and fury, thunderous roar of guns and armor.
The solution mentioned would be to write the novel down. Anti-chronological order. From the second European suicide 39-45, Auschwitz and carried the ball backwards. The "never again" explaining Europe at any price, trade-offs in cascades, Byzantine art of not too small, the texts of laws which result indigestible quilts, crafts imperfect, yes, but better than nothing better than before. From nightmare to get to humanism. This novel
avoid the traditional method, to form a unity of identity on the back of a common enemy. The approach falls within the anti-Huntington, actually.
Finally, as we joined the manner with which our founding peoples of the post Roman Europe were created. In contact with the Empire, barbarian tribes some discipline, organized and unite to better fight or negotiate with the Romans, the invasions were not always warlike. Then later on, when traveling, they take a unifying name, "Franks" for example, that is to say "courageous" or "free" (free because valiant). The rest is history. We're back
tribes seeking union, a novel to better face the world.