Monday, September 1, 2008

Tech Deck Skatepark


Here we are back to the Land of the Eagles for a week of vacation ... not long enough but still enough to enjoy good times with friends.

For its first flight Mailani had no problem, see for yourself!

Eva has not missed an opportunity to address "the little shrimp" French.

Visiting our former owner, has experienced Mailani welcome to the flour on the forehead and egg offered. I was very surprised to see him throw Violca white powder on his face and I was afraid it would break his egg on his head. Fortunately the tradition has remained benign for my chip.

With Mariana at which we stayed, we found an Albanian grandmother to our daughter. Mial was no less warm and we thank them very well be that they have given us.

Flo discovered Mia Elbasan in the streets, he seemed touched by this encounter!

In Berat, Mia met her uncle Albanian coli.

Lume and Niki have opened their hearts and their big house for two days.

We visited the home of Lin's house and had a picnic by the lake ...

perfect happiness.

Mailani has already begun to get used to her future vacation spot.

evening reunion coffee Lio in Elbasan. What a pleasure to feel at home where no one is not.

Remy and Mia on a street in Elbasan.

In the end, everything went well this week and confirmed our desire to buy a house on Albanian soil to return to envy.

To all thank you.

soon friends.