Ok, ok. Clarification: It was not my wedding. Good. Now, let's start!
So on a Saturday, I go one step towards the joyous wedding of my colleague. On the invitation, it says 5:30. The first thing I'm told is to never arrived on time at a Vietnamese wedding. So, about 18:30, I go with one of my colleagues said marriage. So, you arrive at the hotel, there are 6 girls in wedding dress paid to stay motionless at each side of the door to welcome guests. You go up and there you have the chance to take a picture with the bride!

then returns you sit in the room. There, you wait until the world arrives late without receiving a beverage product (first shock ... they make you wait or not to use anything at your disposal). So talking about jase jase with the world is at your table. There is finally a drink. About 10% of the guests take a beer, still water or a coke. There are about 350 people invited.

And now, 3 girls with red umbrellas accompanied by Mr. effiminĂ© go on stage to lip sync of a Vietnamese love song. The girls twirled umbrellas, guys are going the basin with a small plastic guitar, a few choreographed dance steps and there, a toune disco, full of light color and finally, the couple appear with new vĂȘtememts (!). Then, the servers go up on stage, there are small fireworks that comes from the food and there was a right of first entry. The food is delicious and is served in 6 different departments. One dish at a time that everyone is sharing. During the meal, some friends of the couple will do karaoke. Say they are not all good singers ...

So we fill the front and at 20:30, you realize that half the world's gone and we are telling you they returned home. While there is still some food that happens, I left the scene. And yes, a marriage in Vietnam is about 1:30 in everything and everywhere. You come, you give your wedding gift, you're the face and you fill out again. Ouch right? No dance, no games, no message ... The bride is waiting for you out with another coat of another color. The balance sheet? I had a good evening. I ate well and everything but ... it seems to be a loser at home to 21h in the evening a wedding ... no? So this is another piece of my cultural integration.
you soon! Tan be!
- Anh Nic
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