I sat in my class Japanese. (And yes, it's been a month since I take 3 times a week, during Japanese). On Wednesday, the professor is Vietnamese. Other days, the teacher is Japanese. So is Wednesday. I'm sitting in class. I am the only non-Vietnamese. We must come to turn in Japanese. When it's my turn, I introduce myself and to believe that I am Vietnamese. Everyone laughs. Everyone looks at me with big round eyes. The same eyes that look a little dog wearing a sweater. It's cute you a dog wearing a wool sweater?? Hey! Everyone looks at him, laughed, pointing at the ... It's funny because normally, a dog is its not a sweater. When he has one, it's as if we imitated. It's really cute.

So I'm a dog with a sweater. In my class that day, it seemed a lot that I was not Vietnamese. For a brief moment, everyone saw me as if I like them. As if I wore a wool sweater.
Imagine the scene. You're in downtown Montreal and you see a person of race very dark saying:''Estie is Latendresse pocket all the time su'l ass! Me, I swap it as fast as possible.'' It would be funny, right? It would be almost cute. Like a dog with a sweater.
Being in another culture, it makes me think about that. When I put a mask (H1N1) and I expect to red light, the world looks at me with a grin. When I see something strange and I say''Troi Oi!''(Oh my god), people start laughing and pointing at me. When I'm sitting in a restaurant of Vietnamese eat with my chopsticks, the Vietnamese talk to me pointing and smiling. I know what they say. ''Have you seen a dog wearing a sweater? He is cute! Looks like he is like us, but it is not like us.''
Do you understand what I'm saying?
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