You can imagine all here, the access card is Celine Dion. Our embassadrice. Everybody knows it. But qu'yat'il others around us in Asia?
- Some supermarket where products are imported, you can find a nice cane syrup. Not bad you said? Well, we can see a big hairy lumberjacks front with a name like maple syrup''Big John''Canadian product or something like that. Genre cliché ... as big as the door frame. At least the label is in both languages.
In several bus, airplane and taxi, you go on television broadcasts of''Just for Laughs Gags''them. All shows are filmed in Montreal. You see the police Montrealers, the poster car and everything. We see the show everywhere.

Here it receives TV5 Asia. So, TV5 is received in Vietnam, Singapore, India, China, Philippines, etc.. Well, we can see the Montreal newspaper TV (Radio-Canada) to 15h. Roxy emissions and Catherine are also shown daily. And there are others.
There are quite a few articles of clothing with Canada written on it. As far as we are with Germany, Korea, Japan, France ... Even more ... USA just beat us so I made my comments.
's Near us there is a store called Home Deco''Canada.'' They sell tables and other furniture. I do not know what is Canadian except the name. Employees do not even speak English! (And obviously not French)
When you say you come from Canada, the same reaction every time: Oh, it's cold there, right?
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