My reality
In 2006, I suspected that something was wrong. In recent years, I had difficulty walking for long periods. I was always tired. In fact, since 1994 I knew something was wrong because after the birth of my son, I suffered a paralysis of the left chest. But after consulting with and receiving no diagnosis, I continued my life because everything had disappeared. I have made my life, ranging from back pain in ankle sprain but doing the two things I loved most: being a mom and teach ! Then in 2006, fell diagnosis: multiple sclerosis. I could teach for a year yet but I quickly caught the disease.
That's when I realized that I had to take care of me and I started therapy, hypnosis, total biology, naturopathy, Yoga, meditation, diet, gluten-free immuno-modulators and so on!
But nothing has stopped the progression.
The study and discovery of Dr. Paolo Zamboni maintains that my illness may be caused by CCIVS (chronic venous insufficiency cerebrospinal, so the cerebrospinal venous insufficiency chronic).
The CCIVS is a condition in which blood from the brain and spinal cord has difficulty getting to the heart due to rétricissements in the veins that drain them. This causes iron deposition in the brain and spinal cord which in all, cause autoimmune reaction.
What might stop the progression ...
Unfortunately, here in Quebec, no doctor wants to perform the procedure even if one has all the means to do so. There must have endless studies that must be approved by medical authorities. In short, I will have from in Bulgaria in June for treatment as desired because if I wait it will be too late for me.
Please help me to leave. I'm at a push wheelchair.
Thank you so much!
I'm available any time at:
Vivianne White
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