Today, 5 July, I had my first treatment of physiotherapy: massage, stretching exercises and some small ... I go back next week.
I have no idea if these treatments will help me but I'm sure that if something can help me it is physiotherapy. Since my treatment, my right leg that had stopped to bend a few days ago, has recovered to bend. And when I rose from the table, it is with an ease that surprised me as I did, relying only a hand. It is a start.
I had low energy these days but that does not worry me too much.
Last week I had dinner with a group of "liberated". There was Francine Deshaies, Christopher Alkenbrack Bouvrette Pierre, Marie-Therese Brouillard and Regis?. It was so interesting to talk to these people. Despite the great improvements they all live, they too regressions. It is reassuring to share everything.

Today, there was heat wave ... The humidity was really "back" in it! My feet were swollen but did not become just a little blue red. But what a hot day!
Cheers air conditioning and swimming pool!
And you, the heat has affected you too??
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