Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where To Buy Cajun Boat Parts

3 months ... An angel named

Hey! Yes! Already 3 months!

life resumed its course smoothly. I'm learning to deal with all these changes.

What is wonderful is that it gets better still ... Small things but still very subtle improvement.

Yes, there are days where I feel I'm regressing, where things are not going well, where I have no energy, my bladder where playing tricks on me, where my legs dropped ... But it does not last, only a few days and it decreases with rest. But yes, there is a roller coaster!

My biggest problem is that I am not yet able to not exceed my limits. Unfortunately, after I pay for. This week, I had to walk 500 or 600 meters. A feat for me. But I was 3 or 4 days on the floor!

I also saw my neurologist this week. Meeting cordial, even friendly. She was especially happy that I am able to take care of myself side followed. I think that neurologists hate most is when their patients ask them to follow up as blood tests, the Doppler etc.. It is true that it is not their field. Good to know knocking on doors!

At the end of my meeting, she asked me to explain the procedure to the new nurse. While I was chatting with her, neuro came and asked me if I would talk with a patient who was interested in surgery.

What change in attitude!

The local newspaper came to follow up ... Here is the article!

Enjoy life ... it is a precious gift!!