I do not think I was expecting nothing of Christmas in Vietnam. Most non-Catholic has no connection with this festival. The month of November this place without much flafla. And then, like anything, some Christmas trees appear here and there in the mall. And suddenly, a few Christmas carols are lost in front of bakeries.
One of my shocks in Mexico was to see Christmas decorations taken directly from the United States. See penguins skating under a palm tree, a fake snowman in front of a restaurant taco. Well, here in Asia is even more unreal. Snowflakes in the windows of cafes, trees in the waiting rooms ... And as I work and live in the''center''of the very city I'm in the thick of it. Outside the center, almost nothing.
is still good to have my little piece of Christmas. But I think it's almost better than being knocked on all radio channels, the same Christmas songs for 7 weeks. Anyway, time will tell me.
And what do the Vietnamese by Christmas? Well, Christmas is a kind of American icon here. That's the thing''IN''. That's what people do on television, in American movies. So on Christmas day, everyone comes into the center of the city before the big center purchase, it disguises the children as Santa Claus and we take pictures in front of Christmas trees. It's more for the''snapshot''other things. Still, I have not heard of Vietnamese version of Christmas carols! (To be continued)
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