Unfortunately, I no longer write as much. The government blocked Blogger.com, the site I use to write my blogs.
But beware the Communist con, I have more than one trick in my bag!
So, little brother came to visit me for almost 2 weeks. What do you do with a little brother who comes to visit you in Vietnam? Bah, I did not know either ... I park in a corner of my room in a sleeping bag and I have visited a few.
crazy Moments:
- Walking in a neighborhood ladle, I see people congregating. Awesome I tell myself! I pull the little brother by the sleeve and told him to come and see the street artist. Surely a juggler or something. As I approached, I perceive that people flocked around a cadaver. Yes, yes, a guy who had just died. I pull the little brother's sleeve to get to the other side. The little brother said,''I want to see the street performer too!''. We will see the next time I replied while continuing to grow.
- A younger brother, AC has no idea how to navigate with a map.
- One night, the little brother is supposed to return to 18. It is almost 20h and no news of the little brother. Suddenly, you start to think that the little brother is like under your responsibility. I've always been lucky in travel and is easy when you have only yourself to think and to look after. So you begin to decide what engoisser and words used to tell your parents on the phone that you lost the little brother. And that's where the little brother comes whistling hands in his pockets. ''Where were you?''. Ah, bin ... I walked there ....
But it was still the same great adventures. Different but interesting!
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