- There are Q-tips around ... In the locker room at the gym, washrooms in some restaurants ... When you finish you cut your hair, what do we offer you? Q-tips! Sometimes I wash my ears in the restaurant ... Or I let my hairdresser I wash them. Why? I do not know. Maybe to tell it to my children later.
- Celine Dion is really big.
- The Vietnamese have no idea what hockey, or Frisbee.
- Facebook is increasingly banned.
- Vietnam won a gold medal at the last Olympics ... in ... lifting dumbbells ... and yes, they are small but callibine.
- Vietnamese is the most copious quantities of immigrants in Poland. The thing even more strange is that the government is in trouble because many Vietnamese tourists taking the identity of family members dead (which holds Polish citizenship) to be legally resident in Poland. They can not prove that the person of 20 years is not the person of 80 years. The story does not say what happens to the body.
- The Laughing Cow is really big here.
- I'm in a Vietnamese commercial television. Click here to view .
- I participated in a''photo-shoot''
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