Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Long Should Std Blood Tests Take

4 months ... and a vascular surgeon! Already

Before angioplasty, I met Dr. Richard who was still septic. When I met him last September 22, his attitude had changed radically.

When he read the report and seen the pictures, he was fascinated by what the human machine could do. As a vascular surgeon, he was outraged that we do not want to look at this situation ... Blocked veins, it must be diagnosed!

So he agreed to do my follow-up and make me spend a venous ultrasound to see the state of the stent and perhaps the state of the left jugular. I say maybe because the ultrasound we could see it was blocked, only to angiography it has been detected!

In the same week, Dr. Richard called me by letting me # its staff to ask if I would agree to talk to the wife of one of his patients with MS.

That's how we began to see each other people!

Now my health ...

past few weeks, I feel more and more numbness in the legs and increasing stiffness and spasms in my right leg. It makes me panic a little!

Maybe I would have left jugular resténosée??

I keep still although I have my energy declines ... Too much activity, not enough rest??

My bladder is fine, my hormonal cycle seems stable, my feet are still pink and swollen.

short, the rest required for the coming weeks and a small ultrasound. Then we'll see where it takes us!

Bulgaria is surely a great place to revisit!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where To Buy Cajun Boat Parts

3 months ... An angel named

Hey! Yes! Already 3 months!

life resumed its course smoothly. I'm learning to deal with all these changes.

What is wonderful is that it gets better still ... Small things but still very subtle improvement.

Yes, there are days where I feel I'm regressing, where things are not going well, where I have no energy, my bladder where playing tricks on me, where my legs dropped ... But it does not last, only a few days and it decreases with rest. But yes, there is a roller coaster!

My biggest problem is that I am not yet able to not exceed my limits. Unfortunately, after I pay for. This week, I had to walk 500 or 600 meters. A feat for me. But I was 3 or 4 days on the floor!

I also saw my neurologist this week. Meeting cordial, even friendly. She was especially happy that I am able to take care of myself side followed. I think that neurologists hate most is when their patients ask them to follow up as blood tests, the Doppler etc.. It is true that it is not their field. Good to know knocking on doors!

At the end of my meeting, she asked me to explain the procedure to the new nurse. While I was chatting with her, neuro came and asked me if I would talk with a patient who was interested in surgery.

What change in attitude!

The local newspaper came to follow up ... Here is the article!

Enjoy life ... it is a precious gift!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Is The Coach Outlet In Jackson Good?

Hello to all travelers in the summer, the site of Albanik is now active and will give you a good idea of the wonderful place to discover through the Balkans and Albania.

Enjoy your stay in you ...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ladies Getting Pantsed


I do not know me anymore ... or rather, I'm currently finding myself!

In my life, I rarely regret. I try as much as possible by looking forward and living the present moment.

Today, I realize what were the last three years. Inside me, it was gray. I had a hard time enjoying life. I focused on the present moment because the future I was so scared. I was frozen, paralyzed, "sclerotic"! Everything was still heavy, especially the future. I was tired just thinking that I should live. What I loved was becoming heavy and, thereby, almost repulsive. One need constant isolate myself!

For a while, I began to regret those years. I feel like I have lost three years of my life .... Very lucky, there it feels much longer!

I feel like the Sleeping Beauty and a handsome prince named "Angel Ioplastie" came to kiss me! And here I am, which woke to life!

It's so good!

I may be very difficult to walk, I have to adapt my car, change my everyday, but I live and I have the energy to live!

Today I found myself making plans. What I can do well in my life now that I have the energy to live it!

I must give this machine works and projects that I find solutions to difficulties that small I meet.

Nothing is impossible now!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Burton Custom Vs Burton Operator

And it continues ...

Upon my return to Bulgaria, I had the good news that I could longer drive my car until it is adapted. Nasty shock for someone who is accustomed to autonomy.

I had to take driving lessons vehicle adapted to the other side of the world and not being able not go by myself, I had to "beg" accompaniments.

Again, life makes me see how many generous people around me.

I am truly blessed to have all these people around me. Thank you!

Now follow the current procedures and as you are dealing with the SAAQ, be patient ... I will not drive my car until the fall. I'm getting a reason and I gradually found alternatives.

Despite the hassle, fatigue is also present and when to go, it's not as depressing as before.

Yesterday I did the first time since February my yoga routine ... Nothing extraordinary, some stretching from floor yoga. But still! I did it in full. It was difficult, I'm not as flexible. It will soon lose! I'll try to do in two days to give me a day of rest between each. Stay tuned.

Two days ago, without realizing it, I left the office of the house to the door outside, without noticing, without a cane or hands on the walls! It is outside that I realized I did not have my cane and restoring the last moments, I realized that I had done what little way without help. Funny machine that brain! I tried again several times without success ... If I did it once, I do it again another time. I just do not know when!

Last night I made a cup of coffee in the lobby without stopping between each step and I have nothing spilled ... For me, it's a feat!

These are the little surprises that make me say that things regress no but they are improving. The improvements are so minimal and we would like them to be huge ... We need an iron will and great patience to not get discouraged.

is why sometimes when people ask me if I progress, I feel assaulted. It's so invisible to others all the little things. How can these small dust of improvement that are not always constant without feeling pressure.

I know, I know, I gotta talk to my ego to let me alone.

So I'm going on a serious discussion and you'll be back soon!

Monday, July 5, 2010

How Long Temazepam Take To Work

Almost a month already!

Today, 5 July, I had my first treatment of physiotherapy: massage, stretching exercises and some small ... I go back next week.

I have no idea if these treatments will help me but I'm sure that if something can help me it is physiotherapy. Since my treatment, my right leg that had stopped to bend a few days ago, has recovered to bend. And when I rose from the table, it is with an ease that surprised me as I did, relying only a hand. It is a start.

I had low energy these days but that does not worry me too much.

Last week I had dinner with a group of "liberated". There was Francine Deshaies, Christopher Alkenbrack Bouvrette Pierre, Marie-Therese Brouillard and Regis?. It was so interesting to talk to these people. Despite the great improvements they all live, they too regressions. It is reassuring to share everything.

Today, there was heat wave ... The humidity was really "back" in it! My feet were swollen but did not become just a little blue red. But what a hot day!

Cheers air conditioning and swimming pool!

And you, the heat has affected you too??

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Celine Small Bowler Bag Blog

One day at a time ... Back

Not much to tell ...

The newspaper takes its place, small problems do not hesitate to rebuild their appearance: swimming pool, car, etc..

That's life!

health side, the improvements are there, always discreet. For people who see me, nothing is very apparent. To me, for cons, they are more visible.

Yesterday, I walked into the turf trying to fix the problems of filter and I noticed it was easier.

The biggest difference is the fatigue ... This is not the same! The energy is slowly returning and when fatigue sets in, it is healthier! Let me explain ... before fatigue had something heavy, depressed. After exercise, everything seemed insurmountable. Fatigue was as much in my head than my body.

Now, after physical exertion, it is only my body is tired and after a rest, I'm better ... not necessarily ready to repeat the same effort but if I stay quiet, I'm fine.

What a difference!

There are days where improvements are present and oops! the next day they disappear. Then, quietly, they return.

At first it's a bit panicky but now I know it will come back.

So I continue to learn to take the time to live ... Learning is a lifetime.

you soon!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sailboat Ranger 20 For Sale


That's it, I'm back in Quebec.

The flight was really easy to return: fewer spasms, stiffness and less able to control my bladder longer (almost 6am! Wow !!!).

But it was very exhausting. So I spend the first week sleeping because that's what my body requires.

Why I need so much sleep? Here are all the assumptions which I think ...

- Months of preparation have caused exhaustion.

- Sozopol week before surgery, with airfares and bus ... very exhausting.

- Operation: even if it is a simple angioplasty, it is not so simple for the body. It must adapt to a new "Flow" of blood, the stent, medication and any changes that causes.

- The return airfare and jet lag: very tiring too.

- Personal problems of return that do not help recovery.

So even if I see miracles happen, I must be patient and let my body rest.

But there are still improvements, 11 days after the operation:

foot - normal color

- bladder more effectively

- fewer spasms and stiffness (no more spasm in the right hip, knee only some stiffness after several sleep in the same position)

-leg line that begins to fold in the supine position without assistance.

-neck pain that decreases (caused by the stent)

- rosacea which is almost all gone.

-Strangely ... horn to toe is disappearing!

I am told that the best is yet to come. I believe!

must be patient and let the body repair itself. He must remove all iron accumulated in the cells. And then, the damaged nerve endings, it does not regenerate overnight. It takes time. When they are regenerated, then the muscles will slowly strengthen.

My body has never liked the sharp changes, it will not change today. Let's go slowly!

you soon

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pants Covering Legs And Feet With Built In Socks

After hospitalization ...

I am now in Hotel Niky in Sofia, a small very popular hotel in central Sofia. The food is excellent, the rooms comfortable but the air conditioning ... Do they know the air conditioning?

As I returned from a response I have to rest but how when it's 32 -33 ° C and the air conditioning does not work?? It is suffocating.

So we decided to go for a walk in Sofia. Marie-Claude brings me around in a wheelchair. We visit a small market, the Cathedral Square Russian Alexander Velski and the streets of Sofia. It gives me the greatest good and I found gently appetite.

But it rocks so because the streets are paved in old and not very accessible. A fear haunts me ... these vibrations will they moved my stent?

For two days, we walk in Sofia to the heat that rises to 36 ° C. It's hot but I support that and I'm still energetic.

By eating ice cream in the shade of a tree Sunday, my eyes landed on my feet ... despite the heat and sun my feet are a normal skin color. From 6 to 8 months, my feet became "purple" as soon as I was not lying.

WOW! What difference to me!

Tomorrow it will return by plane because I dread the trip to Bulgaria was very difficult: a lot of stiffness, spasms, urination ... I could not find a comfortable position.

was hell!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monica Roccaforte More Information Here

Angioplasty ... not as simple as that! Sozopol

After meeting Dr. Grozdinski and his team (Wednesday, June 9) I am going at once the "famous" Doppler. Nothing to do with the Westmount Square. Here are the doctors themselves who do the test and discuss among themselves what they see. Then it shows me the screen where you can see very clearly the vein stenosis.

Now the vortex sucking me ... We filled the record with the nurse, one passes an electro-cardiogram and blood tests. All this in the late morning.

Then they settle down in a room in the department of cardiology. And the wait begins!

Around 7:30 you come get me, it's my turn!

We'll lie on a table and, woe! I have a huge spasm in my right hip down to my knee and back in my lower back. But as I'm stressed, it does not happen. So for a good half hour, I'm taken with this spasm.

At 8am accurate, Dr. Dimitrov (not Dr. Petrov, who is the head of the department of cardiology) gives me an injection in the groin to the freeze and made a small incision ... and it started! Catheterization walks through my veins.

The azygos vein is very beautiful, to my surprise. Going back to my left jugular stenosis is about 70%. It takes 3 balooning to open properly. In Bulgaria, we are given painkillers only on request and believe me they gave me! It was so painful. Yet I am not complainers and rather tolerant of pain but there ... OUCH!

Then turn to the right jugular. It is narrowed to two places of over 90%. In attempting a first balooning there are so resistant that I "shoot" of painkillers and I lose the "card". I do not know not how much time passes but I am told to watch on screen they have just the stent implanted.

I returned to my room, it is 10:30.

I'm a little confused and I sleep well because I always hurt my hip that has not stopped spasms during the procedure. And suddenly ... I am now taking nausea. And the more time passes, I feel sick. I start to vomit and it injects an anti-nausea and then I sleep a little.

Nausea leave me only on Friday morning. That's where I'll be able to eat a little bread.

It returns me a Doppler to check if everything is correct. I visit the cardiologist and Bye! Bye! I can go out, it's over for me.

far I see no change, no improvement. I'm pretty depressed, maybe even disappointed.

What I did there?? Why??

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Recipes Using Betty Crocker Pound Cake

Finally in Bulgaria!

Arrival in Sofia on June 2nd, we head towards the next day Sozopol coastal town. It a bit like the Old Orchard Bulgaria but growing. Nice little beach about 2 km, fine sand, and plenty of umbrellas!

Here, we speak Bulgarian, Russian and English is gibberish. For them, the Canadians on the edge of the Black Sea, it is incomprehensible! It's so beautiful Canada!

Since my arrival, I have a hard time as I usually eat. Here, we eat bread, potatoes, cheese and cold cuts. The food is very good but the devil my diet without gluten, animal fat, consisting of fruits and vegetables!

Result? Many stiffness, spasms, numbness in the legs, feet swollen and blue and of course a lot of trouble walking!

So I'm left with only 2 days before my coming to Toduka Hospital, let us be patient!

Tomorrow, we take the bus to Sofia. We shall then be in the heart of the trip in Bulgaria!

you soon!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thermostat Thm302a Compatibility

My symptoms before the start ...

Following the suggestion of a friend, I thought it would be nice if people know what are the effects of MS on my body. Thus, it will be easier to evaluate the before / after!

Key points:

- significant fatigue (I sleep nights from 10 pm and I must lie down an hour pm)

- Spasms and cramps during sleep (hip and right thigh and left early)

- numbness of the feet and legs, loss of sensation in various places below the feet

- edema of the feet, especially the right. This gives a foot red / purple.

- Difficult to lift the right foot, bend the right knee, move your right hip left side begins to have the same difficulties.

- Pain in the right hip.

- neuropathic pain in the feet and calves (sensation of burning, cold feet ...)

- Loss of balance ... I always like walking on a boat!

- Few strength in the legs (walking about 100 meters then need to sit)

- Walk with a quad for balance and to be able to get propel with each step.

- bladder less efficient!

- heat intolerance

- difficult to align when the tired ideas (and often tired!)

That is basically what MS is to my body and the inconvenience it m'occasionne.

I hope I can tell you that all these symptoms disappeared when I return but I am under no illusions. If it stops progress, I'll be very happy!

Little piece by little piece, you come to the end of all!

So I am taking and will continue to take "one day at a time!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Bad Stomach Pains, Peeing, Peeing


* Thanks to Matt for inspiration

One thing I am told by various people from my international experience is: You're so lucky ben! For those who have led this observation, you've probably noticed a peculiar expression on my face. I'm lucky. I'm healthy. My parents had put me up for the woman to my university. But, lucky because I travel?? No, I do not think so.

First, it should be noted that travel or live abroad is not the easy way. You adapt to different environments that are more or less easily, leaving your area comfort, being away from home and your family, be patient ... And return home without money and you adjust to certain molds that you had forgotten. Certainly there are positive points, but a lot,''not easy''.

Okay, now back to chance. No, I'm not lucky to have seen the world. I did it all. I'm curious, I always wanted to see Machu Picchu, I wanted to scuba diving in Asia, I wanted to see people dancing in Buenos Aires, I wanted to know the scent and taste of India to sushi in Asia. Have you wondered how the tasted mulled wine on the Red Square in Moscow? How you feel small in front of the pyramids? In the texture of baklava in Turkey? ... I dreamed it. And until now, I realize my dream.

I'm a dreamer, not lucky.

For sure I had several things that helped me and supported. It's true that I have not had serious health problems, I've never stolen something important, my family and friends have never understood, but they always supported me ... Maybe I would be willing to consider me as someone not unlucky.

In fact, whether traveling, learning to drive a motorcycle, having a tattoo, go climb Mount Washington ... Do not wait for your luck ... Realize your dreams, that's all.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Can You Use An Ebt Card At Heb And Walmart?

Bulgaria, his only hope to slow multiple sclerosis

Geneviève Blais by Geneviève Blais
View all articles Geneviève Blais
Article posted April 19, 2010 at 7:09
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La Bulgarie, son seul espoir de freiner la sclérose en plaques
Vivianne White will fly to Bulgaria in early June. - Photo Jean Chevrette
Vivianne White is a push wheelchair. It loses some of its autonomy each week. It is guided by the hope that it will fly to Bulgaria in June. It will undergo an operation which, according to studies by Dr. Paolo Zamboni, could halt the progression of multiple sclerosis.
"Many are waiting to see if people are afraid to undergo this treatment. Me, I do not have time to wait. It's a bit the last chance I have, "she says.

full-time teacher, mother, Ms. White was, as many women, a "superwoman" when the diagnosis was in 2006.

"It was a few years I lived in symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, but I always said that it was not that. I did not believe it, "recalls the 46 years of Joliette.

The disease has steadily increased since, even forcing him to abandon his passion, teaching.

"I went to the second stage, then every time there is an attack, I lose a little," she said.

Vivianne White has tried everything: drugs, therapies, yoga, naturopathy ... Nothing worked. But one story featured on CTV revived hope.

According to Dr. Paolo Zambini, multiple sclerosis is associated with malformation of the jugular veins and azygos. This prevents the blood circulate properly and efficiently drain the central nervous system. To correct the situation, the doctor offers angioplasty.

"Following the documentary, I wrote to hospitals in India, Bulgaria and Poland who agree to perform this intervention. It was Dr Grozdinski Toduka hospital was the first to answer me, "said Ms. White. Its operation

is scheduled for June 9 Her eldest daughter is at her side.

"I am under no illusions. I may have to continue to walk with a cane, but at least I'll walk. "

She does not fear for his safety or for the risks associated with treatment.

"Between fear and hope, hope is what wins. When you see your mobility and your self go, when you see the pain increase when you see your condition deteriorate, you wonder how long it is before you find yourself in a shelter, "says Does.
Call generosity
Hope has a cost: $ 12 000 in his case. To help finance its operation, White filed Vivianne collection boxes in some shops and Joliette Rivière-des-Prairies, where she worked for many years. To contact: 450-750-0535.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Find Betsey Johnson Baby Bag

life takes me ...

After "Denis Lévesque" LCN 18 March last, here it will be the radio next week.

And yes, I'll do an interview for 5 minutes on my story next Thursday, April 15th at 8:10 in the morning at the station Lanaudière, 103.5 FM.

I am very happy to share my story with people. It so important because there are many people who do not know where to begin their research. If I had not been for Francine give me a boost at the beginning of this adventure, I would not make a fundraiser!

Speaking of fundraising, some people have expressed the desire to help me and asked me where they could donate. Well, here's the list of businesses who have generously agreed to help me:

At Joliette

Hairdresser MIMO (Myriam Cloutier)

Brûlerie du Roy (the best coffees!)

Rainbow Bulk grocery health

Health Club Atmosphere

ZEN TAO Restaurant

Notary Tessier, Ostiguy, Comtois

IGA (boulevard Rodolphe-Forget)

Dolce Grano Bakery and Cafe
im T Horton (boul.Maurice-Duplessis)

Couche-Tard (boulevard Perras)

Boni-Soir (Rivière-des-Prairies)

The Grifferie, Nail

Hair Vero

Jean Coutu (boulevard Maurice-Duplessis)

Familiprix (boulevard Perras )

Proxim (4th Street)

Proxim (boulevard Maurice-Duplessis)

Buddy's Creamery (boulevard Gouin RDP)

Shell (boulevard Maurice-Duplessis)

Esso (boulevard Maurice-Duplessis)

I hope to have the chance to name them all during my interview.

Thanks again to everyone who encourage me and help me in this great adventure.

I am truly blessed by life to have you all!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Square Cup Cake Liners

My meeting with Dr. Richard ...

Today I met a vascular surgeon. A doctor with lots of experience!

A good meeting despite the fact that it is very, very careful. I still learned a lot ... the precise location of the azygos ... the structure of arteries versus veins ... and so on. It was very interesting.

I also learned that in May, there would be an "event" for vascular surgeons ... A convention or something like that here in Quebec, and a physician of the City Health (Laval) would make a presentation on cerebrospinal chronic venous insufficiency. A statement not very long (twenty minutes) but all the same. At least we will talk!

This doctor has seen others, but what "bothers" the most is the lack of monitoring, post-intervention. It is not wrong but is it that I can afford to wait 5 or 10 years before all the information on hand?

is a risk that I decided to take. There are too many positive messages from people who have had surgery.

According to him, we can see if the jugular vein or azygos are stenotic (blocked) with a angioscan. It can make me move here in the Hotel-Dieu. We'll see.

We chatted a good 45 minutes. Late in the game, I asked him if he would follow me if I decided to go anyway in Bulgaria (I tried to be diplomatic!).

He smiled and replied "yes", but later relented, and with a smile mockingly asked: "To gather the damage?"

You be the judge of his opinion!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Congratulations Pregrnant Sayings

Wonderful friends ..

I have very good friends ... Really. I feel blessed.

But lately, some have shown extraordinary compassion.

Imagine, they m'organisent a fundraiser ... and not just an event!

So get out your calendar ...

On May 4, he There will be a "AUCTION" at school Simone Desjardins 14h 16h . The teacher (s) from school and friends are invited.

In addition, they provide a weekend of packing IGA Rivière-des-Prairies the 15 and 16 May next.

And as if that was not enough, Joanne went to tour the shops to put small banks to collect donations in Rivière-des-Prairies district where I taught 10 years! !

So I thank them. Johanne Christine, Annie, Diane, Guylaine, THANK YOU!

A big thank you to all those who believe in me. I feel your energy and I really appreciate.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hyaluronic Acid Smelly Urine

The beginning of a great adventure ...

My reality

In 2006, I suspected that something was wrong. In recent years, I had difficulty walking for long periods. I was always tired. In fact, since 1994 I knew something was wrong because after the birth of my son, I suffered a paralysis of the left chest. But after consulting with and receiving no diagnosis, I continued my life because everything had disappeared. I have made my life, ranging from back pain in ankle sprain but doing the two things I loved most: being a mom and teach ! Then in 2006, fell diagnosis: multiple sclerosis. I could teach for a year yet but I quickly caught the disease.

That's when I realized that I had to take care of me and I started therapy, hypnosis, total biology, naturopathy, Yoga, meditation, diet, gluten-free immuno-modulators and so on!

But nothing has stopped the progression.


The study and discovery of Dr. Paolo Zamboni maintains that my illness may be caused by CCIVS (chronic venous insufficiency cerebrospinal, so the cerebrospinal venous insufficiency chronic).

The CCIVS is a condition in which blood from the brain and spinal cord has difficulty getting to the heart due to rétricissements in the veins that drain them. This causes iron deposition in the brain and spinal cord which in all, cause autoimmune reaction.

What might stop the progression ...

Unfortunately, here in Quebec, no doctor wants to perform the procedure even if one has all the means to do so. There must have endless studies that must be approved by medical authorities. In short, I will have from in Bulgaria in June for treatment as desired because if I wait it will be too late for me.

Please help me to leave. I'm at a push wheelchair.

Thank you so much!

I'm available any time at:

Vivianne White


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Does An Esr Of 57 Mean



few days ago I installed Google Analytics. A program that analyzes the visits to my blog. The results are quite interesting. There are things I already knew, but here are a few surprises:

receuillir Data are from March 5 (20 days)

- 44 different people have visited my blog for a total of 90 visits
- if you type''thailand chick embryo egg''in google, my blog is the 2nd result!
- If you type''interesting facts about mexico''in google, my blog is the first link. Sorry to all those who were looking for intelligent information and have fallen on my silliness.
- if you type''image of Vietnamese houses''in google, my blog is the 7th link
- My blog has been visited in order: Canada-France-Vietnam-Singapore-Switzerland-Romania-Greece-United States -Tunisia-Belgium

I'll let you draw your conclusions. But not bad, right? :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baseball Players Who Wore 22



For you, me and a team of researchers conducted a research study on food ''Canadian''in Vietnam. Bon appetite!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ryobi Rt190 Lawn Mower

Letter to Ho Chi Minh

* Response to text''Mao''Dear Bruno Blanchet.
** Please note that''Ho''is''in fact''Ho Chi Minh, the father of the Vietnamese nation. The equivalent of Rene Levesque for us.
*** Please also note that this text has been rewritten 3 times Illiminable some excess rage and frustration that the result is more ... family.

Mononc Hi Ho!
I just wanted to throw a few lines from to''tone''country. I know you're pretty proud. Take nothing personal ok? Good!

It's been almost a year since I'm in Vietnam. There are things I like and others that I have difficulty swallowing. For example, why in your country, Madame walk in pajamas? I think there was an international agreement to say that the pajamas, you can wear at night, not in the day in the street. In fact, quite the whole Vietnamese fashion is questionable. Hairs growing on a mole ... well, it's not nice! Can you tell me it brings good luck ... but it's still it's strange. Period. And why do men allow themselves grow super long nails? I think 1) it is not pretty 2) it is not practical 3) it is not hygienic. I know you'll tell me that's part of tradition ... I try to understand.

Besides that, Mr Ho, there are a couple of cases it takes you to explain. How it happens that will delve into the nose is socially accepted? Even in a restaurant, you see men and women of all ages, although effoiré with the finger well back in the bottom of the nostril. I think any human reaction would be disgust, no? Speaking of boogers, why there are so many people blow their noses into the street without kleenex? He could be hiding at least! No, they are in the middle of the street, they take a swing, they blocked one of their nostrils and they evacuate their too full of snot at 5 cm from the next guy.

Otherwise, my uncle Ho, I know that your world have fought long for their country. They are proud. I envy you and I respect you for that. But you could tell your people that there are other things elsewhere. I see so many people who have money to travel a bit and see something else and they do not care passionately. They want nothing to go outside or travel or even sometimes to learn about other countries. And why the level of English is so bad? The majority the South East are 2 times more comfortable in English than Vietnamese. Take

not bad ... It's just my vision of things. Like bin AC here, but ... when people ask me why I want to stay longer, and I well remember the smell of urine from the streets, the worst traffic imaginable, people who piss behind bus stops as if it was normal .. . is not normal! Even in Calcutta are making efforts for the world to piss off the streets. They are similar but at least they try! Do you think it's normal that your people be forced to wear masks in the streets? There is so much pollution that the 3 / 4 of your people should wear a mask for power breathe. I think you might have to give them the idea of planning a transit even minimal? And as if the streets were not quite satisfied, while the sidewalks are overrun by motorcycle repairers, sellers of XYZ, small restaurant improvised ... Calvary is a sidewalk, not a market! Why the security guards act as if it was their show? Yeah, they extend over a chair with their belongings scattered everywhere. SIDEWALK IS NOT A SHOW! And why productivity is so low? 4 people working behind the counter of a bakery. I am the only customer. How are they to be nervous, stressed and take 10 minutes to complete the transaction. I know it's the same in India, Latin America and other emerging countries. But (...)

Yeah, I know, there are also positive sides to all this ... Being a foreigner, you can live like kings by having a cleaning lady, eat at the best restaurants, etc. ... But you're a communist. I think the difference should be so great between rich and poor, right? I think it is indecent to see someone in the street to eat 50sous next to a restaurant with air conditioning where a fat man eats a large meal and get drunk mouth on a Wednesday evening. When I think when the Vietnamese are going to other countries, they must work in a convenience store 20heures/24 to power after three years, have a semblance of life. When foreigners go to Vietnam, they expect to be wiping your ass. Is it me or is indecent?

I know, I know, excuse me ... There are so many things ... the economic, the cultural aspect, the fact that Vietnam is an emerging country, etc. ... I know all this. But admit it is funny when you look at Ho's return full of Vietnamese who have been living or studying abroad and returning ... More and more .. they take positions in companies ... Gradually, demand will decrease for expats ... gradually Vietnam will open the world ... I know we will see all this laughing and saying they knew from the beginning! Anyway, glad you take the lot. A +

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wording For Non-religious Wedding Ceremonies

The Olympics


So, it seems, the Olympics are over? You may wonder how the Olympics are experienced by the Vietnamese? Well ... to make a summary ... majoritée the world do not even know that there are winter games ...!!! There were few TV sets that passed the ends but otherwise ... nada.

What shame do you say? Wait before I got your shoes. I 'm still going to encourage our hockey team on a Saturday morning. And yes! At noon typing, I listen to the live game Canada-Slovakia. And hold on, the place was filled with Canadians. Almost like home. Here is an excerpt:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

State Of Georgia Certificate Of Liability



So I just returned from a beautiful (long?) Trip to Thailand. Why Thailand? Say that the country on all lips of most travelers I met in Asia until now. They have everything! The beach, mountains, religious temples, a king, queen, girls, good food, bad things ...

What you should know:
- They love the color Or Everything is golden yellow. It still gives an effect Sapri temples and pagodas.
- They have a suspicious attachment to their king. It is on all the posters everywhere. When the national anthem plays, the whole city stops and puts his hand on his heart. FANTASTIC. (Tell them not, but the king is not even super pretty. Shhuut)
- The country is full of man-woman. Really, there are actually transvestites everywhere. On the road yes, but also in pharmacies, restaurants, ... I'm even come to doubt the true sex 50% of the girls I saw.
- It's very hot in Thailand. Vietnam is much cooler (!)

So, let's start if you want!

First stop: Bangkok!
And yes! The city of all sins. The city you've seen in at least 4 or 5 movies where the main actor involved was either a drug trafficking or the prositution or street gangs. Well, think again! Although teeming with life, nothing too evil too.

Events of crazy: - Here a some tips for tourists is the shows''''ping-pong. Basically, it's a kind of strip club where girls make ... how to say ... of ... towers with their sex. The most popular is returned from the ping-pong balls and throw them (always with their sex) in a glass of water a little further. Good. Disgusting right? Well, I could not help but go. With a friend, I went there. In the heart of the red light district. Not a place to recommend starting. So, we go, we order a drink and on the course, the game starts. The first plays the flute with his ZuiGui. The second drink coke (even with his zuigui) and re-spit (?) In a another drink. The third take chopsticks (still with her ...) and took the rings on the floor. The real entertainment. The''catch''it's a given moment, two big medames arrive at our table, snaps on each side and put a nice''menu''in front of us. Basically the''menu''told us we owed them was about $ 100. For 15 min. I get angry, I told them that the mustachioed guy al'entré told us that if you bought a beer, you could see what we wanted. The lady said: What guy? ... The guy has disappeared and she claims it does not work for his bar. I get angry. She gets mad. A great conversation fist on the table ensues and I managed to push the big medames least, take my friend to go and save me from the side door. Fortunately, I have not followed medames. I still thank heaven not to be returned there after 22h because after these hours, the medames are less easy to settle.
I remember that I was right in the middle of the red light district in Bangkok and I was physically responsible for my friend. This is not the best place to get into trouble. It's still on my list of things to never do it again. Hykes!

The rest of the trip was filled with museums, palaces, restaurants, colorful markets, etc.. Super family, I promise.

Second stop: Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai is
a small town in the mountains in the north. Very relaxed, very hippie. My favorites were:
- Bungee! 50 meter bungee jump with the Thai jungle under your feet! Really really stupid. A feeling I can not describe. SICK!
- 1200 meters of downhill mountain biking.
- Treking in the jungle
- Visit temples and the border with Laos and Myanmar.
- Visit of a village with famous woman''giraffe''

Third stop: The Islands Tai! How to describe
4 days spent on the most beautiful beaches in the world? Hmm ... Sun, sea, islands, the beach ... I almost felt couplable. One of the Islands is where I went to the beach they used in the movie''The Beach''with Leonardo DiCaprio. I took the opportunity to dive in and tease the fish. I swam with a giant turtle. :)

That sums it up. I begin my last weeks here. See you soon!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Untucked Shirt Blazer

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year in February?

Welcome to Asia! Here, we highlight the new year of''Westerners''but here the big deal is the Chinese New Year!
is a singular concept. I'll give you a quick summary of what I understood. Each Chinese year is represented by an animal. This animal is the same as in the horoscope. The next year is the year of the tiger. So,''according to the horoscope of the animal''we expect some thing for next year.

So here, we put lots of decorations everywhere. (It even recycles decorations Christmas). Everything is red. Then everything in the city is virtually closed for nearly a week. Everyone returns to their hometown to celebrate with family. We exchanged

of''lucky money''. Basically, the older people gives an envelope with some money to youngsters. And as anywhere on earth, we eat and as much wood as you can.

But here is really a big deal. All stores have stuff for the new year.

From my side, I want to go a long turned to Thailand! 2 great weeks! Nothing is too good! Anyway

Chuk Mung Nam Moi!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Remove The Castor Wheel

The day I visited an orphanage in Asia

My company has partnerships with many different orphanages in the region. We offer free dental treatments about 2000 orphans each year. 2 times a year, dentists from Holland come and give us a hand to help certain that these orphanages. There is a special orphanage. It is dedicated only to children with HIV / AIDS. One Wednesday afternoon, my mission was to visit the orphanage to compile information and send it to the people of Holland, so they can go and ask for financial assistance to fund their trip.

So what you expect when you visit an orphanage in Vietnam for children with HIV / AIDS? First, we must know that the subject is taboo here. According to UNICEF, only 44% of women over 15 years experience minimum on the subject. When someone is suffering, it is leaking like the plague. Disavow the families and nobody wants to heal / help because we are afraid. So the children infected are left in hospitals, parks, streets ... and those receuillir landing at the orphanage to which I head. Yeah ...

The place is much better than I thought. Very clean. (Not much choice when you treat children with AIDS) ... They are supported by a church and some NGOs. 65 children live there. 11 mothers are with them. In this''home''they eat, sleep, go to school ... do almost anything. It shows me around. I do what I came to do. I ask questions, take statistical ...

In the small clinic where children receive their medication, I talk to the priest in charge. Behind us, there is a lady who rocks a baby of 2 months. It is infected. It was abandoned at the hospital. He is plump. I looked up and saw 5 little boxes on a workbook. I understand that these are 5 boxes full of ashes of 5 children that no one has claimed when they died. The children have drawn animals and suns on the boxes ...

So as I left, I see all the children gathered on the first floor in the main room. Is a celebration of a child. There is a man who acts as a clown. All children ries to tweak it. All died laughing at the clown pinching the buttocks and forming a''''Squick. The most ironic moment of my life. There are 60 children with AIDS face contorted with laughter has a gentleman who is put a toy dog that Squick''''in panties.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How To Build False Wall Hidden


You can imagine all here, the access card is Celine Dion. Our embassadrice. Everybody knows it. But qu'yat'il others around us in Asia?

- Some supermarket where products are imported, you can find a nice cane syrup. Not bad you said? Well, we can see a big hairy lumberjacks front with a name like maple syrup''Big John''Canadian product or something like that. Genre cliché ... as big as the door frame. At least the label is in both languages.

In several bus, airplane and taxi, you go on television broadcasts of''Just for Laughs Gags''them. All shows are filmed in Montreal. You see the police Montrealers, the poster car and everything. We see the show everywhere.

Here it receives TV5 Asia. So, TV5 is received in Vietnam, Singapore, India, China, Philippines, etc.. Well, we can see the Montreal newspaper TV (Radio-Canada) to 15h. Roxy emissions and Catherine are also shown daily. And there are others.

There are quite a few articles of clothing with Canada written on it. As far as we are with Germany, Korea, Japan, France ... Even more ... USA just beat us so I made my comments.

's Near us there is a store called Home Deco''Canada.'' They sell tables and other furniture. I do not know what is Canadian except the name. Employees do not even speak English! (And obviously not French)

When you say you come from Canada, the same reaction every time: Oh, it's cold there, right?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Climate Information On The Emerald Triangle

For 18 years and older.

is now arrived. Go to bed kids. Here is now time to reveal the horrific stories and the times when my body has been abused. If you're one of my parents, maybe you should not you read this. You've been warned.

Last summer, me and some friends have rented bikes to go for a walk in the countryside. On the gravel road, the bike did not like the brake, turn and Garnotte. I should explain my bike principles of physics. Anyway, the result was a visit to a hospital in the middle of nowhere, 2 clinic visits Ho Chi Minh, a month of medication, bandages and marchage like a duck.

In November, I returned home and my bike had a weakness, which resulted in a spin on the asphalt ...

At least, it was the droid off this time.

In my first apartment, I often wake up at night with bites ladles:

is a little pocket, I have no photos of my eye infection, skin problem behind my ear, etc. ...

Be careful!