Voila une chronique un bit special for me, since I'm in love with Amelia, artistically speaking of course, I say to Ma'am Rockin ', with whom I had some trouble following my column on Somi ... So if you think that criticism must be objective does not read me, already I do not consider myself a critic, then the soft warmth I leave it to Drucker and company ..

Behind the name of Amelia pencils hiding Amelia Lyon a singer, and his company, I'm not talking about group or troupe of musicians but artists since the song beyond Amelie and her boys are also in theater, mime, dance, but we will.
She has released three CDs to date "Singing Poppies" (2002), "And why pencils " (2004), "La Porte Plume " (2007) and two DVDs: "The around the issue "(2006), and one that interests us today in 2009.
should be advised as DVDs instead proposed the show is as visual and loses its charm and magic on CD.
This DVD presents the show in its entirety during the tour in April 2007 to December 2009, point out, new musicians around Amelia from the first DVD, in order to renew. It's a refreshing dive into a world delirious, magical, a total spectacle and original. It was also the aim: to go beyond the texts and songs with sets, costumes, the "piano-door 2 meters high and staged on each title.

The photos accompanying this article are signed by the photographer and blogger Swiss athos99, thank you to him, I invite you to visit his site, especially to see his complete photo gallery of the show in Geneva of Amelia and her record, it is here: http://blog.athos99.com/amelie-les-crayons-en-concert-à-geneve/
The three accomplices are Amelie Longre Olivier, Antoine Amigues and William Clary (above L to R) and they play a multitude of instruments (which I had never heard of for some): guitars, percussion, gongoma, flutes, glockenspiel, clarinet, accordion, mandolin, glockenbass, concertina, about Amelia sings and plays the piano.
The interplay between the four is complete, and with the public, true playmate and pretext for improvisation, and not mere stooge we do sing a song out of obligation, Amelia began in street theater and it will feel. " the scene is the basis of everything, that's where I feel best " she said.
It's hard to describe the show, by turns funny, emotional, dreamlike and poetic and often silly, but above all joyful and infectious. If you do not follow from this DVD with a smile and fishing run to the nearest river and take you in (after having left your fortune Deblocnot ', and you do useful work, we will have heating and new computer keyboards, regrdez the men, it is telemnt pouri qu'ne lter on dux PRND ps do!).

Each title is a mini drama, short story or a carefully staged, although it often slips our delight, we came across a gallery of characters, "The skinny , "" The Wanderer "," The lemon "," Doctor my "and then this" Train 3 "non-sensique (the" e train 3 from nowhere and destination is also announced with a delay of 73 years-but what he this train was 3, he not be there - waiting for too many moons, one way ") and then really funny passages as" D e non us "and the game of Amelie zozos with three musicians, or "The wardrobe Elizabeth" and a great time with the public also with the emotion " linen our mothers" or "Little Flame " final, without forgetting the hilarious " the urinals." These guys know how to play and also some final pieces go in instrumentals that sound festive music of Eastern Europe.
In the bonus, a nice documentary on the backstage tour and some amazing stuff as if this band of merry lunatics sing or recite poems with sea.
PS-Sorry, but it's more stronger than me, I can not help but push even a rant: how the girl whose records are covered Reward (Grand Prix Charles Cros prize SACEM, and others) and that delights children and adults who have seen it is not more recognized and why the media focus so little to her. Why do singers like nicknames or Jenifer Lorie or clowns as Gregory and Christophe Maé squat Bercy and fill the airwaves? Finally, it is probably better to play in front of 600 people with a brain that before 20,000 morons ....
Ah yes, another thing she is on a small label, Neômme, do not offer this disc download, do not download it, buy it, it will have a future, thank you.
http://www.neomme.com/neomme_shop.htm (13.40 € dvd port included)
"From us no," filmed in La Roche sur Yon:
"The doormat", from the first DVD "The tour of the matter":
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