Woolly Wolstenholme is a founding member of rock group Barclay James Harvest Symphony . He played keyboards in this training influenced by Beatles and Moody Blues . From 1967 to 1979, when he left the group, he recorded 12 albums. Although he made few, the quality of his playing and his arrangements are a pillar of the training. Effective, his playing is unmistakable and is involved in the original music by Barclay James Harvest . He left "BJH" in 1979, following the release of the album "XII". The reasons for leaving are simple. John Lees and Les Holroyd , the two leaders of the group, wanted out of their relative obscurity, playing music more simple and accessible. In short, they wanted to be famous. This wish will be partially filled. Wolly him, disagreed. So off he went. Importantly, it has never been replaced. Its successor is only "temporary." Which says a lot about his real influence within the group.

He then worked with David Rohl and composes music with him in films produced by the BBC. Then he began a solo career and founded the group Maestoso with whom he is going to experience a succes d'estime, and 1st parts of Judie Tzuke and Canadian Saga. A greater success was slow But next he retired from the music scene and became a farmer for many years.

BJH: Mel Pritchard (drums, died in 2004), Les Holroyd (bass, vocals) John Lees (guitar, vocals) Woolly Wolstenholme (keyboards, mellotron)
In 1998, following the splitting of Barclay James Harvest he joined John Lees, guitarist and singer of BJH for their version of the group, namely: " Barclay James Harvest Through the Eyes John Lees of . They recorded the album "Nexus " which contains arrangements of old songs, a beautiful version of " Mockinbird " and some new features. A tour will follow and a live album " Revival will be published. In 2004 Woolly Maestoso back and carries the album" One Drop In A Dry World . "The success will be fairly modest, but real. Suffering many years of severe depression, Woolly Wolstenholme ends his days on December 13 2010. He was 63.
While less known than his peers in progressive Rick Wakeman Keith Emerson and , Woolly nonetheless a major figure in the music thanks to his technical input. And we must admit that following his departure from "BJH" the band's music has greatly declined in quality.
Maestoso "Deceivers All" (2004):
Barclay James Harvest "Rock n Roll Star" (1977):
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