Higher! (Unless you go elsewhere).
"In the Presence of". A appreciate until the end, and preferably with a real big sound. (It is Alan White in the introduction of the song, back at the keyboard).
1. Magnificent "Magnification".
very far from knowing everything their world, I discovered the group later on, via 90125 and his worldwide hit "Owner Of A Lonely Heart . To date, this album is still part of my Top 10, all different kinds. This means if I remain attached to the period Rabin (least Yes purists argue, but who cares!).
Here! Yet this is a good album without Trevor Rabin , besides being devoid of any commercial considerations. Just think! This Yes is dominated symphonic ... And that symphony!
Here! Yet this is a good album without Trevor Rabin , besides being devoid of any commercial considerations. Just think! This Yes is dominated symphonic ... And that symphony!
addition Philharmonic Orchestra, Jon Anderson (vocals), Chris Squire (bass and lead vocals on "Can you imagine ") Alan White (drums) Steve Howe and (guitar) make up all four this umpteenth version of the most legendary progressive groups.
At this stage, I can already see that start to raise his arms to heaven (or being suddenly taken with violent headaches). Let me just tell you that an album such as this one could finally put into touch all the prejudices that you then took over the group so far. Your a priori may indeed deprive you of a truly great moment of music. I insist (just this once): Do not discard in advance, and put your doubts aside. I assure you that the union of these two worlds (progressive music and symphony orchestra) will bring you to a hundred places all the ideas that a layman like me had done hitherto Great music. Magnification is nothing less than a true little miracle ear, a revelation to the infinitely beautiful. Of course, provided to appreciate the timbre particular Jon Anderson ... It goes without saying.

Amidst this near perfection, only " Soft-as-a dove " seems to do a little spot. This title is 2 minutes also benefit office as an interlude piece itself. In 2 minutes as well, "Time Is Time " ends Magnification on a lighter note, gently melancholy. WARNING! Now boarding for stars: Beep beep beep ... Hooray!

2. Even Symphony, Yes remains unique.
If there is one group that, throughout his career has continued to create controversy, it is Yes. The bad language even say that it is in the worst group is the best (oh naughty!). Except that when Yes, in the mid 80's, made the choice to move towards a more immediate music (bigger audience, more Hard FM, easier, etc. ...), it had been there too stoned. In short, what side that one is, Yes never unanimous, and even after 40 years of existence (!!!). Hey! That should already pushing us to benefit from respect for them ... Mmm?!

Let it be said, Symphonic Live offers everything that some will continue to hate, while those endless not cherish the Yes the beginning, raptures again face the 2 hour 45 minute show. Either-way, not only on its duration, a concert Yes already done all the difference over most of it any other training (bam!).
Neither of the strongest, least "connoisseur" of this training, I would first like to point out that even before watching this DVD, aside from their respective reputations, I knew absolutely nothing about the standards that are albums The Yes Album , Close to the Edge, Relayer , or Tales from the Topographic Ocean . Both say that the first reading of the DVD, except "Owner Of A Lonely Heart" (for the blow a bit "weird" in a directory like this one) and 3 from the album Magnification , my ears did not understand much ... And for good reason! For besides the longueuuuuur pieces (pieces), Symphonic Live focuses primarily on four albums mentioned above. So hard to put on a line, you will agree.
Jon Anderson Chris Squire and

It will take time to me (and patience) to tame this directory. Still not sure that I succeed. For it must be admitted also, the music of Yes evidence is not available to all is a fact. And yet ...
How remain indifferent to what I call experience from the outset. For beyond the extraordinary complementarity and symbiosis of the Philharmonic and quartet, which requires most is this alchemy, this unique combination made between Jon, Steve , Alan and Chris . P * tain! Not the least score in their eyes! Glups ...
But beyond the "how do they remember all that?" I initially posed the following question: Where do they get all that?
More troubling still, the Zen with which the musicians play the directory. Except for the guitarist. Indeed, more particularly its attitude austere Steve Howe is one that denotes more on stage. PitiiiƩ! Next time, make an effort on your outfit. But what God guitarist!
Steve Howe

Apart from this character at least curious and rather strange, what a treat to see that Alan White (drummer) to play with as much panache . This guy can really get the full time (he happens to speak the brighter of the four).
Chris Squire from the top of its 2 feet, pacing the stage and down, trying in vain to go get some semblance of a smile to the guitarist, but without success. As for the game and the sound of his Rickenbaker Lower (sometimes a Fender-see clip), that say you do not already know. One and one are one.
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Keyboards, it's not yet time for this Jon Anderson his portion to the cat. Singing divinely, it is in perfect communion with the audience throughout the show, introducing each piece between two thunderous applause. For the public, came in number (10 000 people in my opinion, can even more), is indeed not stingy with applause. We also talk more easily real ovations made with respect to the group about him. Really touching!
addition to this amazing and impressive orchestra Yes also invited a stranger (Tom Brislin ) coming into the keyboard instead of Tony Kaye or Rick Wakeman . The least we can say is that the young musician is not the extras either.
There would be something to write, and write yet, on this impressive show. So I will not say more, so as not to deprive yourself (it still itches a little) the few bravura moments that punctuate the show ... Unique for what it is. Because we like it or not ... This group is definitely unique.
Caution: As shown above the jacket, it seems there are several versions of this DVD. Well, mine has no bonus (interview, clip, etc. ...). Anyway, the sound as the picture is absolutely flawless. On the other hand, the concert is also increased by a few images, as landscapes or fantasy characters, and you'll have time to see (or not) using your remote control by introducing some songs.
Set List.
- Intro: Alternate version of a Give Love Each Day (intro)
- Close to the Edge
- Long Distance Runaround
- Do not Go
- In The Presence Of
- Gates of Delirium
- Steve Howe (guitar solo)
- Starship Trooper
- Magnification And You and I
- Ritual (we are the sun)
- I've Seen All The Good People
- Owner of a Lonely Heart Roundabout
Extracts from the album Magnification (which would still same could be represented by one or two additional titles).
"In the Presence of". A appreciate until the end, and preferably with a real big sound. (It is Alan White in the introduction of the song, back at the keyboard).
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